DiscipleTown Kids Church Unit #5: How to Follow God's Plan

About DiscipleTown
DiscipleTown uses a creative and adaptable town theme to teach practical "Disciple Skills." It is published by the creators of DiscipleLand, the most comprehensive children's Bible curriculum on the market. DiscipleTown teaches DiscipleSkills -— practical skills that every follower of Jesus Christ must develop in order to grow and live victoriously. The children's church format compliments DiscipleLand and/or your other ministries to kids. Learn more about DiscipleLand's Bible Curriculum at DiscipleLand.com.

Rather than providing a rigid plan to follow, you can quickly and easily modify DiscipleTown to fit your ministry needs. There is more than enough material for a full length service, but you can also choose only the elements you'd like to use. By design, DiscipleTown is packed with ideas so you'll never be left needing to supplement the lesson, but its flexibility allows you to add your own unique teaching elements.

Unit Summary
Many people, including Christians, settle for a very self-focused life goal -- to arrive at death safely, with as much comfort as possible along the way. This is hardly God's best! Though the world offers fun and excitement, only the Lord's plan promises deep, rich fulfillment. We can help kids elevate their perspective to see that life can be thrilling when they follow God's plan. This unit will help your kids discover God's will for their lives! They will learn that growing in Biblical knowledge, in Christlike character, and in godly conduct are key to fulfilling God's wonderful plan.

Lesson Summaries
Lesson 1: God's Plan for the World
It is important to begin with the big picture of God's plan for the entire world. The children will be given a basic understanding of the "problem of evil" and God's plan of salvation for all people. It is important that we start with the Gospel because people cannot truly experience God's plan for their lives if they don't first understand that they are lost and in need of a Savior. Children will be given an opportunity to accept Jesus as their Savior; if they already have a relationship with God, they will begin to understand God's desire -— that the message of the Gospel be spread to the whole world.

Lesson 2: God's Plan for Every Christian
In order to put ourselves in the place where we can discover God's specific plan for us, we must first come to faith in Christ and learn to walk in obedience as Christians. In this lesson, children will learn what it means to be a disciple (or follower) of Jesus and to "walk in the light." Kids who grasp this truth at a young age will begin to see God work in their lives early on, and this experience will lead to a lifetime of fellowship with God and a life of adventure in pursuing God's will for them.

Lesson 3: God's Plan for Me!
It may not come as a surprise to children that God has a plan for the world or even for all Christians —- but does He have a unique and specific plan for each child as an individual? That is an incredible thought! The goal of this lesson is to inspire children with the concept that God not only made them unique as persons, but He has created them with a very special plan for their lives -— a plan that can be experienced only if they follow Him. Life is not intended just to be lived, but to be enjoyed! We are not meant to just survive, but to thrive!

Lesson 4: My Action Plan!
There is an old saying: "If you aim at nothing, you are sure to hit it." Knowing that God has a specific plan for your life is wonderful. But if you want to see that plan realized, there are responsibilities you must carry out. Wanting to grow in knowledge and character and conduct is great, but just wanting something rarely makes it happen. What is needed is an action plan. This lesson is designed to encourage children to be intentional about making specific goals and determining specific actions they can take that will help them realize God's plan for their lives.

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