Hi ~Contact.FirstName~!

If Your Kids Like Star Wars, They'll LOVE Karl's Novel!


Order of the Ancient is a novel that I wrote first and foremost for the children of my own ministry. I wrote it at the height of Harry Potter’s popularity to offer an alternative Adventure (that A should be capitalized) that focused on the spiritual disciples instead of magic. However, my love of Star Wars is evident throughout the book, from the cloak worn by the main characters mentor to the way the reliance on the Counselor (the Holy Spirit) mirrors the Force.


Give this book to your 4th-6th graders and you can tap into their love of Star Wars while creating a curiosity for the spiritual disciplines and give them a fresh understanding of the Gospel. I’ve yet to meet a child who didn’t love this book! (And don’t miss the companion discussion guide for reading groups or home school use!)


Instead of “Use the Force,” your kids will be saying, “Seek the Sovereign, and Prepare for Adventure!”


Pick up one book or a whole case!

Because Jesus Loves Children,


Pastor Karl Bastian

The Kidologist


P.S. If you would like the book autographed by the author, simply put the name of the child in the comments when you purchase and I’ll be happy to personalize the book for free!

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Making the Most of CPC (or any Kidmin Conference)
Karl Bastian, the Kidologist, gives us some pointers on attending and benefiting from any Kidmin Conference you might attend this year. 
"This week I'll be attending my 47th consecutive Children's Pastors Conference. Though I've been to more kidmin conferences than can be counted. Sometimes I am privileged to get to do some Equipping and Encouraging as a workshop presenter or speaker - but usually I am just glad to be there to learn, connect, discover new resources and network.
Let me share some tips I've learned over the years about how to MAKE THE MOST of whatever kidmin conference you are attending - you invest a lot of time and energy and resources to attend a conference, you might as well be sure you get everything you can out of it!"
Looking for a conference to attend in 2016? Check out our conference page!
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KidCheck Simplifies Mobile Printing
KidCheck just introduced the KidCheck PrintHub.
A simpler, faster, more convenient mobile printing solution…without the need for a computer in the process!

Simply connect your Dymo label printer(s) to the PrintHub, complete the mobile check-in, and labels print directly from your check-in tablet to the selected printer.
Learn more about mobile check-in and the KidCheck PrintHub.
Get a personal online demo of KidCheck’s secure children’s check-in system. 
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Kidology Handbook and Kids Church Cookbook Combo

The Kidology Handbook is a comprehensive manual to use as a blueprint for an effective teaching ministry.


With this 143-page resource - complete with bonus MP3 audiobook, explore insightful instruction on relational ministry, preparing & teaching lessons, sharing the Gospel, shepherding kids, classroom discipline, and more.


The Kids Church Cookbook is an idea-packed instructional tool that will help you create children's church services that kids will love.


Featuring 279-pages and 7 training videos from The Kids Church Cooking Show, it's ideal for both beginners and veterans.


»  Save $20 when you order them together. 

Premium Members save even more! Not a Premium Member? Sign up today!

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Valentine's Day Resources in the Kidology Store

The Kidology Store is a great resource for your Valentine's Day ministry needs. From curriculum to video countdowns, puppet scripts to party plans, chances are you'll find what you're looking for!

  • Love Your Neighbor 
  • What Love Is, What Love Is Not
  • Valentine's Day Countdown Video
  • Guard Your Heart Game

»  Check out more Valentine's Day products in the Kidology Store!

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Is Your Kidmin in Survival or Creative Mode?
Have you ever played Minecraft? Karl uses this game to engage kids in his church, and also to teach some lessons about children's ministry.
"I love Minecraft. For those who don’t know what it is, it is basically virtual Lego. I run an online community for my son and other kids to play in. It’s fun!
When you play, you get to choose between two basic game modes: Survival and Creative. In Creative, you get access to all the pieces and can build whatever you can imagine! In Survival, you start out with nothing, and must find or build what you want/need. In Minecraft, the process and making things from other objects is called “Crafting”—you combine certain items to craft new items. For example, sticks and coal can be used to craft a torch."
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Kidology Online Training
Kidology Online Training is your ticket to affordable, at home, kidmin training. Every children's ministry leader will benefit from these core courses in what it takes to successfully lead a Children's Ministry.
While there are several training videos, Kidology Online Training features Five Leadership Labs which will lay a foundation for leaders that they can build a solid ministry upon. These courses are supplemented by downloadable resources and other multimedia elements to compliment each study.

These sessions are designed for the intentional children's ministry leader who would like to be equipped to take their ministry to the next level of excellence.


»  Order all 5 Leadership Labs and save!

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