
What Re-Creates You?


Almost ten years ago I was at a breaking point. While everything around me appeared to be going awesome, inside I was dying. I was the last person to recognize that I was doing too much, going too fast and juggling more than was possible or healthy. Then I was challenged by a pastor, “What re-creates you?” He redefined recreation as re-creation – something that would forever change my life.


Up until that day I had declared my occupation, my vocation and my recreation were all one and the same: Children’s Ministry. I considered recreation to mean the same as fun – and what is more fun than ministry to children? But re-creation?!? Wow. Ministry is exhausting, it is draining, and it is continual output. I realized I was not allowing anything to re-create me!


The challenge was made: Find out what re-creates you, and ruthlessly schedule it into your life. That was when the dream of Yosemite Summit was born. One month from now I’ll be heading to my 9th annual Summit with six other pastors. A week of hiking among God’s Creation unplugged from the outside world may or may not be what will re-create you, and that’s fine. But you must figure out what WILL re-create you and then schedule it without excuses. You CAN do it.



Because Jesus Loves Children,


Pastor Karl Bastian

The Kidologist

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Mother's Day is May 8th

Looking for a special and unique way to honor moms on Mother's Day? 


Jump over to the Kidology Mother's Day Zone for scripts, songs, and ideas on how to celebrate moms... with a little humor and love thrown in. Make the kids in your ministry realize what a blessing their moms are!


After all, scientists have proven that if you didn't have a mom, you wouldn't have anything! 


»  Visit the Mother's Day Zone

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Improve Your Kidmin - Get a Coach!

Kidology Coaching, our personal one-to-one coaching program, has served over 75 students since its inception... and it keeps growing! 


If you could benefit from personal coaching in your children's ministry leadership & administration and you are ready to start seeing your ministry dreams become a reality, our coaches, Barney Kinard, Todd McKeever, Jessica Klinker, and Sheila Robinson, are waiting to guide you!


$36 Registration for Premium Members!


»  Register for Kidology Coaching NOW!

»  Learn more about Kidology Coaching

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Child Safety Tips for VBS

Whether you’re setting goals, preparing budgets, or creating a promotional plan for VBS, one fact remains the same…child safety should be at the top of your mind.


"VBS is unique in that it brings together, for a short period of time, new children who aren’t normally involved in the weekly church program schedule. With regards to child safety, this can be both a blessing and a challenge. A good first step is implementing a working plan or policy that focuses on protecting the children. This will go a long way in reaching their families. By prioritizing child safety, you make a good first impression, promote peace-of-mind for new families, and support their belief that they’re placing their child or children in good hands."


»  Read KidCheck's six timely tips to keep safety a top priority and a crucial part of a successful VBS event.

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VBS Resources

Shop for your Vacation Bible School needs on Kidology and save with our VBS Resources Guide! Many discounts on VBS are available for Premium Members


Plus, every VBS purchase via the Kidology Store includes our exclusive VBS Follow Up Kit... FREE. 


So explore all the VBS and kids camp options available, from large publishers to creative independent authors. We've got you covered for VBS this year!

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Looking for an Object Lesson for Sunday?

Getting children to understand spiritual truth is like threading a needle.


I don't mean to string you along, or hem you in, but the point of this Zone is to quilt together the patchwork of object lessons available on this site. It may seam daunting, but don't get all wound up or tie yourself in a ball. Just cut loose and tie these object lessons into the next yarn you are teaching.


I know these puns are piercing, but like the man of the cloth said, "You reap what you sew!" Or sew they say!


»  Check out the Object Lessons Zone for creative ideas for your Kidmin!

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Adopted! Single Lesson 

Adoption offers protection, provides for the needs of a person, and shows that they have a divine purpose. Every believer has been spiritually adopted into the Family of God for the same reasons.


Adopted! is a single lesson from Karl Bastian that explores Bible characters that were adopted and illustrates adoption as a picture of salvation.


This single lesson is perfect for Mother's Day, Father's Day, or any day you plan to teach on Salvation!


»  Only $9.99 in the Kidology Store!

»  Karl explains the idea behind Adopted!

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