
What Can I Help You With?


What did we do before Siri? We’ve gone from encyclopedias at the library for information and stopping at gas stations for directions to simply asking our smart phones for anything we need to know. I am constantly asking Siri questions. She gives directions. She does math. She can open apps, play music and dictate text messages. Or help me answer my son’s never ending questions, like, “Dad, when did people start using forks?” I answered, “Let me ask Siri." (She told me!)


It’s awesome to have help just a button tap away. However, Siri can’t help manage classroom chaos. She can’t put together a craft idea or edit a video. She can’t lead a child to Christ or encourage someone who is struggling. She certainly can’t pray for you. (I know; I tried “Siri, Pray for me.”)


We depend on our devices, but who depends on us? One of the most common phrases of a leader ought to be, “How can I help you?” I love asking folks how I can help them. In fact, that’s how came to be! Its a way for me to help others be better as they minister to kids. (By the way, How can I help YOU?)


The best leaders don’t give orders, they give help and watch others succeed because of their assistance. People are often hesitant to ask for help, but if we offer it, they will seldom turn us down. Try it out this next Sunday and at your next team meeting. Who are you helping?



Because Jesus Loves Children,


Pastor Karl Bastian

The Kidologist

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Stickers Through the Bible

Stickers Through the Bible is a revolutionary new Bible curriculum for non-readers.


By placing beautiful stickers into their Bibles they gain a love for God’s Word while gaining an understanding of the overall Story of the Bible.


They also learn an overview of the Books of the Bible by placing Bible Stickers on a Bible Fortress poster and build a colorful Bible Timeline throughout the year.


Packed with creative ideas and parental tools, Stickers Through the Bible is a comprehensive preschool curriculum like you have never seen before.


»  Premium Members save $50 on the complete year!

»  Not a Premium Member? Sign up today and save!

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Nurturing the Childish Out of Leadership

When you look at a strong-willed child, do you ever think, "That's great leadership potential! All you have to do is nurture it!" Craig Jutila explains how we can achieve this with even the most strong-willed child. 


‘As parents we may say our kids are strong-willed or defiant. When we are completely exhausted and exasperated, we may actually think, "Brat." But, would you be open to the possibility of "Great Leader”?’


»  Read the full article in the Kidology Zones. 

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Don't Fear the Fall! Use Our Resource Guide to Plan Now!

This season brings a lot of scary challenges, but DON'T FEAR THE FALL! Kidology is here to help with our Fall Resource Guide!


Click over for all the help you need! Be prepared with seasonal curriculum, experienced coaching, and creative children's ministry tools from a resource you can trust.


Back to School, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Discipleship, and Games galore... you'll find the resources you need!


There's nothing scary about that!


»  Check out Kidology's Fall Resource Guide

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Fearless Curriculum

Fearless is a 4-wk TRUST series that looks at the story of Gideon in Judges 6 & 7. Gideon was the “Doubting Thomas” of the Old Testament, always looking for physical proof that it was really God directing him.


In his own strength, Gideon was a bit of “Chicken Little,” questioning his leadership, his abilities, and his strength. In the end, Gideon had to lay down his fears and doubts and start trusting God for the victory. When God is with us, what do we have to fear?


»  Find this and other KidTough Curriculum in the Kidology Store.

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VBS Follow Up Made Simple!

The VBS Follow Up Kit contains ready made templates for ongoing ministry after your summer program!


Once VBS is over, you want to follow up with the new kids who came.  However, all too often you get busy with fall planning, and volunteer recruiting shifts into high gear.


This VBS Follow Up Kit contains over 20 ready-to-send templates for thanking your volunteers, explaining spiritual decisions to parents, and sending monthly seasonal invitations to church. This Follow Up Kit makes reaching out to the children who came to VBS a snap!


»  Save 50% as a Premium Member!

»  Not a Premium Member? Sign up today and save!

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ToyBox Tales Entertain While They Teach!

Did you know? Toybox Tales are now on DVD for ease of use in your ministry.


Taking action figures to the next level of drama, Karl Bastian (A.K.A. The Kidologist) uses toys to illustrate Biblical lessons that create ideal conversation starters. Use them to compliment your teaching ministry or simply to entertain!


Transform play time into learning time with these mini-dramas, performed live on a small stage and projected to a viewing audience "as it happens." Biblical lessons have never been so memorable or unique!


»  Kidology Premium Members save $30 on the 6 CD set!

»  You can also visit to view low resolution videos online.

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